Friday, January 16, 2009

Introduction of the Artist - Me

Hi, I'm Tracie, better known as my oc character Akana Yukinai. So you can call me Tracie or Akana or pretty much whatever you like, I'm not really all that picky. I thought I would give you a little introduction on myself and how I came to be the artist I am today.

It would seem I've been drawing for as long as I can remember or some other type of art. The first true piece of art that I remember doing, though, was way back in elementary school. I was part of an art class they had and the teacher had us draw some still life. She wanted me to work on my piece for an art competition, though I can't remember if I ever finished it in time or what happened to it, it was so long ago. I just know that for someone my age, I had surprised her at what I could do back then. There have been some brief intervals from then on that I didn't really do any art at all.

The next time that I got back into art was when I first started high school and I had art class as one of my chosen extras. I produced a few good pieces from that, but after that I didn't really get the chance to go into another art class from there, I was going after an advance diploma after all. No, I focused my attention more on computers and got into web page design, which I still love doing today, but never seem to have the time to do. I still did a few pieces here and there during my time in school, but never anything major.

Anyway, after I graduated, I pondered on what I would do with my life whether or not I would go on to college (and I still do sometimes) and then met my husband. I did a drawing of him for myself based off of one of his pictures...and then for 4 years I drew nothing while I raised our kids and kept up with our house (though sometimes not all that greatly, I will not lie).

Then about a year and a half ago, I had the urge to draw something. I decided I would try for the first time in my life to draw an anime character, Kagome from Inuyasha. That turned out pretty good for my first time ever for that particular type of drawing, so I tried again, this time drawing Inuyasha. I was so pleased with the results that I started drawing more and more, and as time went by, I had just about perfected that particular style of drawing. And I even did a few other styles of fanart as I branched out into drawing characters from other anime's I liked.

In September of 07 a friend on myspace posted up a bulletin about wanting a picture of Kouga drawn from Inuyasha, and would be willing to pay for it. Needless to say, I took that opportunity and since I was already used to drawing Inuyasha style, I did those pictures for her. That was my very first paid commission in my entire life. I moved on from there, drawing more and even sold a few pictures on Ebay. It was also about the time that I started up my own oc character to fit into Inuyasha's world as an RP character, but that didn't last long, and eventually moved her on into her own story apart from Inuyasha. However that is worth a whole different blog in itself.

Back on track, through Ebay, I gained a couple of more commissioners, though only one stays current and become a close friend as well. I now do many oc/fanart commissions for him and was even introduced to another form of art which I also do commission for him in that respect, RMXP maker and all that glorious stuff.

I am currently closed to commissions as he has me covered in a mountain of work, but as soon as I get that all caught up, I will be open for commission again. I will do up to 5 commissions at one time, and it is first come first serve. Once the fifth commission is entered, should I have commissions behind that still, then I will be closed to commissions and work on the current work.

My next post will contain samples of my work, both traditional and digital....stay tuned and thank you for those who have read this lengthy introduction.

1 comment:

  1. nice ;) Love it when I learn more about you, my good friend :D


About Me

My photo
Just a full time mom working free lance drawing and RMXP spriting at home. If you wish to use my resources please be sure to add credit to me for it, thank you.
