Friday, January 30, 2009

Update: RMXP Character Maker Resources: Female Hair

I am currently in the process of updating the list of hair as I have many many more to add here, so the page will temporarily be unavailable till I have all of them added. Thanks for your support and patience, it will be worth it I promise you.


EDIT: January 31, 2009

Ok edits and updating has been completed. New navigation links have been added to make it easier to get to each color section without having to scroll for a long period of time and you will now be able to get back to the color category links without scrolling back up. I will do this for each resource category when the time comes when scrolling gets outrageously time consuming.

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Just a full time mom working free lance drawing and RMXP spriting at home. If you wish to use my resources please be sure to add credit to me for it, thank you.
